14 December, 2013

Paul Walker's Death and How It Affected My Life

As you all know by now,Paul Walker and his friend Roger Rodas died in a Porsche Carerra GT they  that they owned together.Paul's funeral is today,so he can be laid to rest in a private event for family and friends.Always Evolving were driving while attending a charity event at their garage ,
 I'm not going to go into all the details ,you can look that up yourself,this blog is about how it got me thinking about my life and what I've been doing. I see Paul and his success,not with jealousy,he was a good person who did a lot of great things with his success and money,including his charity ,Reach Out World Wide .
     Seeing his life and how he lived it,I feel that up until this point,I've been wasting mine.I have a dead end go nowhere job.I don't do things I'd like to do nearly as much.I want to move to the Outer Banks NC as I feel that is my home and I was born in the wrong place.I would like to get out fishing more and motorcycle traveling but just don't have the money or the ambition.I work way too many hours for pay that is too low,as does my ole lady.However,she likes her job a bit more than I do.I despise mine,it's a bottomless pit of hate for this job.

The problem is,I just don't know how to get out of this bad career choice.I don't want to be rich,although,that would be nice,I just want to be happy.I want to enjoy doing something.I want to like the people I work for and with.One also gets "pigeon-holed" in this job.Too many times I've talked to new employers and they say "We don't have a position in your field" and I'm thinking "What field?I drive a truck,but that's not the only thing I can do,did you even read my application and resume?"
     The other part of how this got me thinking is ,while his death came way too soon and is a tragedy.For many reasons that don't include his film career,he and Roger died with a smile on their faces.They died doing something they loved.When it's my time,I want to go out the same way,doing something I love.I don't want to die, in my sleep, on the couch, in front of the TV.I want to go out doing something I enjoyed.I don't spend enough time doing things I love and that is my fault. I've lost some ambition and the money and time isn't there because of the job and my laziness in working to get out of that and into something I would enjoy.
I just don't know where to go from here.

    Paul Walker was a good actor,but an even better person.I enjoy his films,but I really connected with him because of his love of the ocean and his desire to become a Marine Biologist , which was his major in college.He did much for people,but he also was a supporter of shark protection and conservation as well. Click this Paul Walker Loved The Ocean  to read a nice memorial written by David Shiffman.

                                                   R.I.P. Paul. I'll miss you.

     This is my video log on Paul Walker and How his Death Affected Me.

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